Subsidies and assistance
With Sipromuove, SIPRO helps businesses search for incentives, funding, and other opportunities
Throughout the region…
not just at our headquarters
Turning ideas into feasible projects

Calls for bids
and subsidies/funding
We support companies, monitoring bid announcements, providing guidance on benefits and subsidies, incentives, financing, etc.
We manage subsidies/incentives on behalf of members.
Explain your project to us by writing to and we will tell you if there are any discounts for you
where growth happens
We provide a headquarters where businesses market themselves and grow through conventions, press conferences, work meetings, etc.
For info on the rules and questions write to
Help desks
Our goal is to act as a bridge between municipal administrations, reference entities and businesses
Contact us
Tel. +39 0532 243583
The help desks are open
to the public during the following hours:
Bondeno Town Hall, 1 Piazza Garibaldi
For appointments: +39 0532 899203
Hours: Tuesday 9:00 – 16:00
Codigoro Town Hall, 60 Piazza Matteotti
For appointments: +39 0533 729534
Hours: Thursday 10:00 – 13:00
Sipromuove, 13-15 Via Cairoli
For appointments: +39 0532 243484
Hours: Friday 09:30 – 13:00