About us
People are at the heart of Sipro
On 14 November 2019, Stefano di Brindisi was appointed Sole Administrator of Sipro.
To implement its activities and provide its services, SIPRO relies on a team of professionals with a wide range of complementary skills.
The Board of Auditors
- Statutory auditor with the role of Chairman, Gabrilla Tani
- Statutory auditor, Lucio Faggioli
- Statutory auditor, Valentina Giuliani
- Alternate auditor, Paolo Chiarolla
- Alternate auditor, Elena Benetti
Reporting accountant
- Sensi Laura
- Holding Ferrara Servizi Srl – owned solely by the Municipality of Ferrara
- All other municipalities in the Province of Ferrara
- Province of Ferrara
- The Chamber of Commerce
- Cassa di Risparmio di Cento
- Monte dei Paschi di Siena
Our staff

in San Giovanni di Ostellato
Sipro is founded with the name ‘Società Interventi Produttivi’
Sipro partially changes its Articles of Association to extend its corporate purpose and take on a broader territorial reach
oriented in part towards the Municipality of Ferrara, which became part of the company structure, and which is engaged in urban development activities in Mizzana, near the North Ferrara exit of the A13 motorway.
Sipro is transformed into a local development agency, with the task of working throughout the entire province
Thanks to the great results achieved as the implementing party of Objective 2 measures, SIPRO becomes an implementing party of the special programme of the Lower Ferrara Area and managing party of the Territorial Pact for Ferrara.
Sipro becomes a preferred link between local administrations and the Province of Ferrara for the management of EU programmes
such as Objective 2 and the planning of integrated actions financed with local and European funds, such as the integrated plan for local marketing for the province of Ferrara.
acquisition and development of new production areas
expansion of the Cassana area and the new site in north Ferrara
candidacy and development of initiatives based on the new European programme
expansion of industries,
especially sustainable development, including tourism, transport and energy efficiency
intensification of local promotion activities
opening of business guidance help desks – Sipromuove;
integrated promotion of new business opportunities – Investinferrara business establishment package
Sipro is mainly focused on three areas:
- attractiveness and promotion of the local system
- promotion of European, national and local funds
- providing support to members, especially for the management of financial assistance for businesses
sustainable development
by creating industrial areas with cutting-edge infrastructure in relation to the environment, energy and technology.
Reduce the consumption
of local land
through the concentration of industrial hubs and the re-use of decommissioned sites.
Attract outside investors
that will open or transfer industrial and artisan businesses that will generate high-quality jobs.
Support local businesses
through the creation of business networks for the implementation of projects related to development;
Work with all
local stakeholders
to identify benefits for businesses that open or relocate with us.
funding sources
(European, national, regional) to implement projects with positive local impact.