Il prossimo giovedì 20 aprile si terrà l’High Level Event di ERPAC (Ente Regionale Patrimonio Clturale FVG) nell’ambito del progetto Boost5, di cui anche Sipro è partner.
L’evento si terrà in forma ibrida: in presenza presso Villa Manini a Passariano, e online.
Questo il programma degli interventi della mattinata:
- Anna Del Bianco, Central Director for Culture and Sport of FVG Region and ERPAC General Director Assesorate for Culture of Friuli Venezia Giulia Region
- Davorka Sarić – Consul of Croatia in Italy
- Davide De Nicolò – Boost5 lead partner Tecnopolis PST: introduction with presentation of thematic activities performed in previous months, results and best practices achieved by Boost5 project
- Anca Daniela Simion (on-line) – Interreg V-A Italy-Croatia 2014-2020 JS Project Officer: Cluster project methodology and outcomes in the framework of next programming period opportunities
- Rita Auriemma – Unisalento for ERPAC: “Sustainable cultural tourism/UnderWaterMuse in Adriatic Region, sustainability, new business opportunities and enhancement of territorial services for sustainable tourism, Adriatic Region slow mobility backbone to connect little-known but highly interesting cultural and naturalistic assets”
- Giovanna Tosetto – Sustainable Tourism Designer expert for Friuli Innovazione “Transforming Regional Tourism Through Environmental Certification: Opportunities and Challenges”
- Massimo Sargolini – Unicam for Regione Marche: “Management of Landscape in Minor Territories through intersection of speed and slow Mobility”
- Massimo Angelotti – Friuli Venezia-Giulia Regional Infrastructures and Mobility: “The development of the Adriatic-Ionian cycle route and its related sustainable multimodal connections”
- Nicola Revelant – Promoturismo FVG: “Discovering the cultural offer of Friuli Venezia Giulia through slow tourism and long distance hikings”
- Antonio Marano – President of FVG Airport: a multimodal Hub open to slow mobility”
- Andreina Contessa – FVG Regional directorate of Museums
Questo il link per le iscrizioni
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